Friday, August 19, 2011


This aint anything new, basically is about my Form6 life.

First of all, Im writing this due to :
1) I've got nothing else better to do.
2) I'm leaving my footprints here so that I don't forget what I remember now.

To those who're so interested in my life, you can continue reading it. To those who doesn't, I allow you to exit this page since this post aint anything fun or interesting to you. :O

Never in my life once imagine that I actually took STPM and hey what? Its all over! Time sure does fly, dear year 2009 & 2010. ;-)

Science stream Convent girls will automatically located at Dato Onn ( which is so mehs ), most students waited about a month if they request on to change school or anything but it took me about a week to do so, thanks to my great great awesome Dad.

First orientation day with Guiling & Yinlan at Dato Onn.
Luckily Huijun was with me during the transfer and we got in a same class! (this is not luck ) lol. She knows so well about HSBM cause her mum works at HSBM as a teacher, unlike me. I seem like a sesat cow, mixed feelings, a little of anxious, excited, awkward and anything you name it, i have it. lol.

Lower year - 6 PBB. Upper year - 6 PAB.
Consist of *FMLiforgottenmyclassenrolment* 20 students. ( I think, sorry my brain just stuck and i cant actually count to reconfirm my class's enrollment wtfwtf ) 6 girls and the rest are all males.

So the 6 of us are actually umpama diselaputi coklat yang indah lagi wangi.

F F F. ignore it, was just testing my Bahasa Malaysia language. :D

Most of them got their own character, duh, who doesnt? F, ignore again please.
What I mean is I've been studying in Convent since Standard One, so technically the circle of my friends are quite small. Pi mai pi mai tang tu jugak. So I've get used to (some put it as) "Convent culture" and frankly speaking I get kinda awkward with them at times. =X PREVIOUSLY. ahems*

But soon time passes and woilla* they brushed up my mother tongue's language and taught me lots of stuff. Mostly everyone is too smart and hardworking and well disciplined.

Alright, I'll try to intro them accordingly using pictures below!

This is what our class looks like. Sitting posture 5 in a row.

Second row. In picture : JianZheng, Boo, WengChia. Third row : Wensen, Pangyen. *showing ass.

Last row. In picture : Weikeat, ChyiChun, ZheePin, John, Bava. ( from above, left to right )

KitOon. Idk why people call him Adam Lambert, but no doubt he got alot of "flies" esp Malay?

These two. Funny character. -_- Joined us the latest, it means our newest classmates. Ponteng #1. Trust me, one week appeared once or twice continuously for about half year. But still ichiban!
Left : OngZhang ( mad scientist ) He took an additional subject in STPM which is Further Maths. He studies on his own and anything which is out from the syllabus especially in Physic! He still scored so well in STPM. You tell me, mad or not? And now he's in Taiwan already. Aww.

Right : LipYong. They call him back-Leehom ( rhymes from Li-Yong and Li-Hong ) What I mean back LH is, they'll say he looks exactly like LH from the back. -_____- haha.

This, is the blogger! You can see TeikChuan and KoonLoong at the back left corner.

HuiKian and WengChia, the first found couple in our class!
First? Opps?
Do I mean there're second third and forth? hehe. I wouldn't dare to make a confirmation here BUT, I WONT say its not true. We have 'caught' some, but they didn't admit.. so.. lets continue being suspicious about 'them'. :-)

The blogger again, concentrating a teacher giving comment about my test paper and they came and kacau. Y U NO TALL NOSE BRIDGE ??!

Got a few more classmates which I has yet to mention. :-(

Upper 6 form teacher, who is also our Chemistry teacher. Shall not continue talking about teachers. lol.

Its our Huijun there! Me likey! XD

How crazy? Supposed to act happy and glad that we were graduating that year. Purpose : To put in annual school mag.

Outings? Plenty of them.

Our visit to WoanJun's hometown ( girl in back shirt )
Pssst*, it was a last minute plan tho. About 3 more weeks before our major exam. We went Penang for prayers in the morning then drove to Sg Udang ( further down Nibong Tebal ) to visit her dad's udang 'kolam'. See above, us with barefoot in the 'kolam'. Damn enormous and me likey the village!

The latest outing and this is the only picture which consist of the 6 of us. I know I look so CIRCLE up there in the picture, but dont care lahh!.

To make a conclusion for everthing, *see below*

The End.

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