Wednesday, July 13, 2011

D day

Its D day !!
No, not yet. Practically its 2 days more.
Sensed something not pleasant again and I hope this time my senses were wrong, wrong, wrong!

Finally or what, that I get to know the meaning of "insomnia" for real. Not the meaning where you can get it in Oxford Dictionary. Ugh. Sleepless night since last week. The worst so far was slept at 5am and woke up at 8+am.
Which causes :

Insomnia - Fatigue the whole next day - Pale face with dark circle - PIMPLES - heaty - BAD MOOD - Insomnia again.


Seriously I get pissed off easily these days. Especially when my face starts to get itchy again ! I remember I had this issue last year before STPM. wtfwtfwtf. Sensitive to what, I dont know, which makes it even harder to pretend it !!!! FMLFMLFML!!!
Or is it my face is growing, it expands so they're making me itchy?

Walao. Fine la, bye. :(

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