Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Charlie / Penyakit Kulit Kumbang Rove

We've been notified the existence of this typical insect roughly about a year ago and now it had gained its popularity again becoming a hot topic here in West Coast especially in Northern Region !

Me myself was aware of this insect but wouldn't be bothered to read more or even know its name till... I've been told by my friends during my last gathering with them. And that was the time when I know this tiny yet poisonous creature named as Charlie. Still not even bothered to read and take precautions step on it till...

Yes, you see what I see. This is not any google image but captured by me. But no worries, this isn't me.

If you're wondering much how does it look like, have a look at the below picture

Their common name is named as Rove Bettle and has a number of 'nicknames' such as Semut Semai, Semut Kayap, Charlie, Nike and ect. The Rove Beetle is less than 1 cm long and its body is in strips of dark orange / red and black. During the daytime, it will be seen crawling swiftly like an ant and when it's been disturbed it will raise its abdomen just like a threatening scorpio and it can fly !

Surprisingly, it's toxin in the whole body is 12 times as poisonous as the cobra venom! TWELVE ! MotherofGod. Contact collision with this insect is mainly while sleeping, crushing it on body and smearing with soiled finger.

This bettle is attracted to lights at night therefore the precautions step to be followed are such as :
  • Minimise or switch off lightings where not necessary
  • Usage of fine mosquito net, aerosol and insect spray

Importantly, do NOT sit near lights, do NOT smash the beetle on the body, just blow it away will do. If contacted, immediately wash the affected area with soap and water. Those who suffered severe skin reactions are advised to seek medical attention.

This is the first day been affected. Please don't have the thoughts that its just a normal mosquito bite, quickly seek for medical advise.

Spread this out to your families and friends to avoid being affected ! Especially to those staying in hostel in rural area, take note on this insect.

P/s : Above information are all taken from the mpsp official website.

Take care, all.

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