Thursday, June 21, 2012


Hello people!

Guess what, I came back for 2 days already and Im currently having my year end break now. Im starting my second year this coming September. Oh gosh, gota admit old already. Time flies real fast! :-(

In a blink of an eye, we'd reach half of the year of 2012. So, what have you achieved so far? 

Its ok, thats basically not the main point in this post. I actually quite hesitated to compose this post with these original photos without blurring them, but its okay. I still decided to post it here to share it with all of you or maybe for my reference in the future! 

I realised I haven't really talked or mentioned anything about my hostel, so here it is. Since UM is the first university in here, so its no surprise that they don't provide us something new and fresh. Anyhow its better than staying out campus looking in the sense of money, safety, convenience and sorts. 

Here it is, Im staying on the 4th floor and I consider my block is the best so far because we have our personal toilet every 4 rooms! Unlike others where they are going have only 2 toilets in each floor. So people like me, who's afraid of goosebumps don't have to feel creepy to walk all along the corridor just to visit the toilet during the night. :-) 

My room just next to the toilet! lol.

Each room is for 4 person, so there are 2 double decker beds available. 
Im not gona mention which is my bed, just guess yourself.  

Small balcony.

One of my roomie sitting. Heh.
The only thing I dislike about my room is the study table!
Just imagine we have to share a table with 2 persons, not much privacy and space.
Ugh, ugh.